Pool Rules

Peachtree Corners Swim & Racquet Club (PCSR)
Pool Rules and Procedures
Effective 5/20/2024


The lifeguarded pool hours are posted online at Lifeguard Hours.  All other hours are swim at your own risk.

The PCSR pool will be open 7 AM – 9 PM Monday through Sunday from April 29 through Sunday, September 15.  The pool is closed during Waverunners swim team practices or meets as follows:

Practice Times 

After School Schedule (M-F) at PCS&R for all ages

May 20 – 22

High School 3:45-4:45 pm

6 & Unders 4:45-5:15 pm

7 & 8s 5:15-5:45 pm

9 & 10s 5:45-6:30 pm

Middle School* 6:30-7:15 pm

*(Rising & current MS students)

*Mock Meet 5/23

*No practice 5/24

Summer Morning Practice Schedule at PCS&R (M-Th)

May 28 – June 27

Jr. Waverunners start 6/3

Endurance (M/T/W) 7:15-8:15 am

7 & 8s 8:15-9:00 am

6 & unders, Jr. Waverunners 9:00-9:30 am

9 & 10s 9:30-10:30 am

11 & Ups 10:30-11:30am

*Note: No practice on May 27 (Memorial Day)

*Endurance is for 11&Ups who want a more challenging practice

Summer Evening Practices (M,T, W)

Open to all swimmers who cannot come to a morning practice.   *Advanced sign-ups are required for adequate staffing.

May 28 – June 26

11 & Under* 6:00-6:45 pm

12 & Up 6:45-7:45 pm

* 8 & unders must be able to swim unassisted to attend evening practice. See coach for confirmation

2024 Meet Schedule

Meets begin at 6:00 pm.

Arrival time is 5:00 for meets  

Thursday, May 23             Mock Meet (12 and under)

Thursday, May 30             AWAY @ BERK

Thursday, June 6             HOME vs.JBRS

Thursday, June 13            AWAY @ PSST

Thursday, June 20            HOME vs. FLDS

Thursday, June 27            AWAY vs. SC

Memorial Day (5/27) and Independence Day (July 4th) are the only exceptions.

Starting on May 23, lifeguards will be available on 11 AM – 9 PM Mondays through Saturdays and on Sundays from Noon to 9pm. After July 30, lifeguard coverage will be provided on Saturdays, Sundays, & Labor Day.

When no lifeguard is present during primary pool hours, all swimmers under 18 must be directly supervised by an adult club member the age of 18 or over.

General Rules
Do not enter the pool facility if you have been diagnosed with COVID-19, have or had symptoms of COVID-19 or have had contact with a person that has or is suspected to have COVID-19. If you are uncomfortable coming to the pool, please stay home.

Only members that have paid their 2024 annual dues may enter the pool facility.

Guests are allowed at the pool when accompanied by a member except on Memorial Day (May 27), July 4th, and Labor Day (September 2). The guest fee is $5 per person, per day and is payable via the Guest Fee Lock Box (Cash) or online at Peachtree-Corners.org (Credit Card).

Pool parties are allowed at the pavilion.  Pavilion reservations are made online here.

The furniture around the pool has been set up in family clusters. Please DO NOT move the furniture while you are at the pool. Sanitation supplies will be available so that members can sanitize pool furniture. We strongly encourage members to bring their own sanitation supplies and clean the chairs, tables, loungers before and after each use as an additional measure. Please no Bleach or Bleach-based cleaners on the Pool Deck.

Lifeguards are on duty to keep the pool safe. They are not at the pool to baby sit. No one except lifeguards will be permitted on the lifeguard stands. The lifeguards are here to implement these rules, and, if the rules are abused, the lifeguards will recommend action against the individuals involved. While on duty, the lifeguards have the sole authority to temporarily close the pool as deemed necessary to address crowd control and/or member adherence to these PCSR pool rules and regulations.

All children younger than 10 years of age must be accompanied by a member who is 14 years of age or older. The older person must provide careful supervision of the younger child. When no lifeguard is present, any swimmers 18 and younger must be supervised by a club member who is 18 or older.

All food and beverages must be consumed at least 6 feet away from the pool. No glass bottles or containers will be permitted in the pool area. Glass and bare feet don’t mix.

Vandalism will be prosecuted, and parents will be held responsible for any damage caused by their children. This could result in loss of membership.

No pets are allowed.

No bikes, motorcycles, etc. will be allowed inside the fenced area—they must be parked at the bike rack outside the pool gate.

Swimwear consists of recognized bathing suits only. No one will be allowed to swim in cut off jeans.

No disposable diapers are permitted on infants and toddlers using the pool. Children who are not potty trained must use swim diapers.

Admission to the pool may be denied to any person who appears to be intoxicated, or anyone who has a skin infection, sore or inflamed eyes, a cold, nasal or ear discharge, any communicable disease, or open sores.

Children under the age of 6 must be accompanied to the bathroom.

All members are encouraged to dispose of their own trash when they leave the pool facility. Only plastic & aluminum products should be put in the Recycle Bins.

Absolutely no running will be allowed inside the pool area.

Diving area: One person at a time is allowed on the diving board. Divers must dive straight off the end of the board. No swimming is allowed in the diving area unless authorized by the lifeguards. Games such as “sharks & minnows” will be limited to 15 minutes each hour in the diving area.

Safety Breaks: Once every hour there will be a normal safety break for a period of 10 minutes (Monday – Friday) or 15 minutes (Saturday – Sunday). During this break, children under the age of 16 will be required to leave the pool. The on-duty lifeguards will blow the whistle to indicate the safety break start and end. It is important that all children leave the pool promptly when the whistle is blown at the start of the break period. At the discretion of the lifeguards, they may ask any child who is tardy in leaving the pool to sit out a comparative amount of time as this takes away from everyone else’s swim time. All children must remain out of the water during this time as there is no lifeguard supervision during the safety break. The purpose of this break is to give adults a chance to swim by themselves, allow the kids to rest, and to give the lifeguards a chance to catch up on their other duties.

Only appropriate water toys are permitted inside the fenced pool area and in the pool at the discretion of the lifeguards. Tennis and other hard plastic or rubber balls are not allowed in the pool. The use of large rafts will be permitted at the discretion of the lifeguards. All activities deemed unsafe by the lifeguards shall be prohibited.

Discipline problems are defined in two categories:

CLASS I: Running, rough or dangerous play in and out of the water, general pool rules violations, yelling, and boisterous conduct. These will be dealt with on the following basis:

1st offense – reprimand
2nd offense – 5-30 min. ejection depending on severity of infraction
3rd offense – ejection for one full day – after contacting Pool Operations chairman and parent
4th offense – ejection for one week

CLASS II: Discipline problems are to include but are not limited to: being present under the influence of drugs or alcohol, theft and destruction of property. In the event immediate disciplinary action is needed, lifeguards can suspend the offenders for the duration of the day. It is not necessary to contact the Pool Operations chairman for a temporary suspension. However, notification should be made as soon as action is taken. Non-compliance of any punishment by offender will be construed to be the next offense. All problems will be reported to the Pool Operations Chairman.

When there is thunder and/or lightning in the area, the pool must be cleared. The American Red Cross stipulates that at least 30 minutes must elapse from the time of the last thunderclap or lightning strike before anyone is allowed back in the pool.

In the event of an accident that contaminates the pool water such as fecal matter, vomit, or blood, the members shall notify the Lifeguard on duty. If no Lifeguard is on duty, the member shall immediately contact Sweetwater Pool Supervisor Jeo Whitaker at 678-906-5798 and PCSR at 678-671-1794 to report the incident. The member will be required to pay all charges required to remove the subject matter, clean the pool, and return the pool water to appropriate quality for normal operations.

Members who do not follow these rules and regulations may be asked to leave by the Lifeguards and/or PCSR Board. Again, the lifeguards’ job is to ensure the safety of the swimmers, so please review these rules and regulations carefully with your children & teenagers.

We would like to thank our sponsors...

Beer, Wine, Liquor, Peachtree Corners

furkids, animal shelter, animal rescue, Atlanta

Yard Sign, Birthday, Yard Greeting,

Peachtree Corners Life, Peachtree Corners Magazine

Spalding Animal Hospital

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